Hi dear bloggers,
Thank you for all the visits I have
received in the last few days. I have gotten some positive feedback
and have been excited about continuing to post more useful lessons in
the future.
Today, we will be presenting some very
common “idioms” that are used in everyday language to express
one's feelings in a more intimate and familiar way.
1) In one's neck of
the woods Se refere ao lugar onde uma pessoa vive.
2) Under one's
belt Se refere à experiência, estudo, ou qualquer coisa que uma pessoa possa colocar em um currículo.
3) It's raining cats
and dogs Se refere à chuva forte, como por exemplo:
está chovendo canivete!
4) Sick as a
dog Expressão usada quando alguém se encontra muito doente ou com muito mal estar.
5) Under the
table Se refere à uma atividade que é feita escondida da lei,
em português seria: debaixo do pano.
6) To wake up on the
wrong side of the bed Essa
expressão é usada quando alguém está de mal humor, em
português seria: acordar com a macaca.
7) To be sick and
tired of someone/something Essa expressão é equivalente à: estar de saco cheio
com alguem/algo.
It's better to have one bird in the hand than two in the bush
expressão é equivalente à: é melhor ter um passarinho na
mão do que dois voando.
Wow! I did not know Maria was from the same neck of the
woods as you are.
With that kind of experience under your belt, you can
get any job you want.
I am afraid it's going to flood soon. It's raining cats
and dogs!
I haven't been able to eat, drink or sleep in three
days. I am sick as a dog!
If you don't want to pay income taxes, you can work
under the table.
Henry is not in a good mood today. He woke up in the
wrong side of the bed.
I am sick and tired of work. I need a vacation.
Don't leave your job to look for another one. It's
better to have one bird in the hand than two in the bush.